Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Creation Exploring

Greetings and welcome to New Creation. Wow It's a new year and I am looking forward to all that God has in store for us. There is something exciting about a new beginning or getting something new, have you ever received an unexpected package in the mail or a gift from a friend, what a feeling of anticipation as you begin to open the package to explore it's content. That's the way I want to approach this new year, as a new opportunity to learn and explore the kingdom of God and all of its glory.

The possibilities that exist for us in God are limitless. There is a whole new realm of creation to be explored by Gods children, which for the most part... we never even think about. Man has explored the depths of the ocean, walked on the moon and traveled into deep space, but little time and effort is given by Christians to learn about this new creation person that we have become in Christ. For me, it's not the depths of the ocean floor or the vast expanse of our unsearchable universe that excites me, but the wonders of what God has done through the death, burial and resurrection of his son Jesus, wow, now that excites me.

The bible says, "that we are to seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God", Colossians 1:3. This means to the believer there is a realm of creation that exists and is awaiting our exploration as we begin to seek those things which are above. The fact that we need to seek these things tells me that they just don't automatically happen or come our way just because we desire them, no we must seek them. And the fact that God invites us seek those things is proof of there existence; God would never ask us to seek something that does not exist.

You see, before the day of the cross, no one, no matter how much they wanted or desired to know the things of God, could not, it was impossible. Before the cross; the things of God were a mystery, concealed away, awaiting the day that Jesus would be raised from the dead and ascend into the heavenlies as the pattern for the new creation which was to follow. The cross provided a way to God; a change of covenant wherein anyone who comes to God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross can be changed by receiving a new heart from God.

This new heart "spirit", makes it possible for believers to seek and to find those things which are of God. Now on a personal level we can know the will of God for our own lives.

To search an old you attic you need a flash light.
To search the ocean you need scuba gear.
To search outer space you must wear a space suit.

So why should it seem so strange that if we wanted to search God we would need to have what is necessary to do so; and the thing that's necessary is a new spirit, one that is from God. This is what the shed blood of Jesus on the cross provided for us, a new heart, a new life, a new creation existence that originated with the resurrection of Jesus.

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away, and all things are become new", II Corinthians 5:17.

More than a new year, more than a new house or new car, as Christians we now have a new spirit one with which we can search the scriptures and know the fullness of God. This born again spirit that we received from God is more valuable than anything I know of, It costs God his only begotten son.

I desire that you pursue with me the person of Jesus and the finished work of the cross. I believe that as we pursue Him, He will reveal Himself in all that He promises to be. There is a whole new way thinking to be discovered, a whole new way of life to be lived and a whole new dimension of possibilities that exist for the new creation person that we have become if we have accepted Jesus as our Lord. The bible declares,"to him that believeth all things are possible", and the reality of that verse lye's within every person who has received the precious gift of God, and now has become a new creation in Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Very good! Particularly like the analogy about the flash light, scuba gear, and space suit, and the parallel to our searching God. And I really like the last paragraph to. Of course, the whole thing is really good. Makes me feel excited!
