“…Dad I knew the Lord Jesus would forgive me of my sin when I ask him, but I didn’t know he would HEAL ME AT THE SAME TIME!”
But that’s exactly what happened when our youngest son who was in drug rehab, called one night with the good news of his salvation. His body had been wrenched in pain from years of abusive drug behavior that almost destroyed his life. But, now he was free; free from death, free from addiction, free from pain!
I was almost ready to add my next post when I felt impressed of the Lord to share with you the foundation for why I believe in divine health. The reality of my sons conversion and many others like it have caused me to look deeper into Gods Word in search of the truth concerning what the Bible has to say about health and healing. To some people, even many Christians, it’s almost foreign to think that we can overcome physical infirmity and yet good health should be commonplace among believers. You say it sounds TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, I'VE OFTEN SAID THE SAME THING ABOUT THE FORGIVENESS OF SIN and yet healing like forgiveness is in the Bible; if it were not, we wouldn’t have any substance for believing this truth. But, because it is, we can have substance for health and healing. It is my utmost desire that you be blessed and healthy as you search the scriptures on this matter!
Most of the time in scripture there is a connection between, ‘the forgiveness of sin and the healing of the body’. Jesus demonstrated his authority to forgive sin by healing the sick; notice:
MARK 2:9--12
(9) Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, arise, and take up thy bed and walk?
(10) But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,)
(11) I say unto thee, arise and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.
(12) And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went before them all; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion before.
Jesus demonstrated his love for people by forgiving their sin and healing their body. This is one example of many that we find in the New Testament and yet one of the most powerful scriptures pointing to the fact of healing is also found in the Old Testament!
PSALMS 105:37
He brought them forth also with silver and gold: AND THERE WAS NOT ONE FEEBLE PERSON AMONG THEIR TRIBES.
The event referenced here, is what the Bible refers to as “The Passover,” the night when the children of Israel were set free from the bondage of Egyptian slavery. Four hundred years of captivity and rigorous labor imposed on them by Egyptian rule had no doubt taken its toll on the people of Israel and now there were many sick among their tribes. But, God had a plan of deliverance and healing. After dealing with Pharaoh through Moses to let the people go, Pharaoh refused to heed the warning of the Lord. So, God gave very specific instruction through Moses to give to each Jewish family that they might be liberated and walk free from the oppression of Egyptian slavery.
God told them on the evening of their deliverance they were to take a lamb and to sacrifice it, take the blood of the lamb and strike it on the two-side post and on the upper doorpost of their houses. Next, they were to take the flesh of the lamb roast it with fire, AND THEN EAT IT, ALL OF IT and let nothing remain of it until morning. If anything remained they were to burn it with fire. God told them to eat it with their loins girded and their shoes on their feet and with their walking staff in their hand, they were to eat it with haste, Exodus 12:1—11.
Now, you know as well as I do, that of those millions of Jews brought forth from Egypt, there had to be some sick and feeble among them before they left Egypt, and yet the Bible declares there WAS NOT ONE FEEBLE PERSON AMONG THEIR TRIBES. What a miracle of healing; something happened when they ate the lamb. Not only were they set free from Egyptian bondage, but also they were healed of all their diseases. I believe as they ate the lamb they begin to receive faith in their heart and health in their bodies! Wow, what a word of encouragement to know if God provided healing in the Old Testament under the type and shadow, how much more has He provided healing under the New Covenant, which is ratified by the blood of his Son? Not only has the cross-rescued man from his sin, but also from the harsh reality of sickness and disease. And though sickness may attack us, there is power for us in the redemptive work of the cross to conquer.
The Passover Lamb is a perfect type and shadow of the offering of the body of the Lord Jesus on the cross. His blood and sacrifice has truly set us free from the bondage and captivity of spiritual death. When we receive him, we pass from death unto life and are no longer slaves to sin and the death nature; but, also in connection with our liberation from sin, is a total healing for the physical body.
BUT, WE MUST EAT ALL OF THE LAMB. This simply means we as Christians can receive the full measure of Gods redeeming Grace, which includes healing. But, we must first ingest the whole message of redemption to fully benefit from the work of the cross. We must eat all of it, THE MESSAGE OF GRACE, and leave nothing out. It’s sad to say but many preachers have left out healing which is a vital part of the gospel message.
I was overwhelmed with joy the night my son called with the good news of his salvation, and to hear that God had healed his body and set him free from pain only confirmed the power of the gospel to heal. His healing was “icing on the cake”, so to speak. That has been many years ago and he is still free, preaching the gospel. The same gospel that set him free from addiction healed him and it will do the same for you!
This is why I personally resist disease from a place called healed, not necessarily because of my son’s experience or anyone else’s, but because the word of God declares that I am healed and I believe it. Notice the sure foundation on which we can stand:
I PETER 2:24
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.
Every time I look at this verse it says the same thing, even when I feel bad and something like arthritis is trying to invade my body. I used to get mad at God because I couldn’t get him to agree with me that I was sick. I would try to convince him that his word wasn’t enough for me and that my pain was more real to me than his word. I would tell him how bad I felt hoping he would pet me a little and maybe come around to my way of thinking, but he never did, no, not one time. Every time I read his word it would say the same thing “by whose stripes ye were healed”. It has taken me a while to learn this lesson, THAT GOD BELIEVES HIS BIBLE, and so I now agree with him instead of the pain and the misery accompanied with sickness. If the Bible says that “ye were healed”, then that means ye were healed.
This gives me and anyone else who believes a firm foundation on which to stand as we can resist sickness and all of it buddies from the finished work of the cross, which is more than enough for our deliverance! Thank God for the blood of the lamb and the privilege of believing the whole message of the gospel. We can eat all of the lamb, THE WHOLE MESSAGE OF THE GOSPEL and receive the blessing of health in our bodies. I pray that you will begin believing God right now and let Him be your healer as well as your Savior as we begin this new year.