And to know the love of Christ that passeth knowledge, THAT YE MIGHT BE FILLED WITH ALL THE FULNESS OF GOD.
Friend the prerequisite for being filled with all the fullness of God is found in the previous verses which instruct us to be rooted and grounded in love, not just any love, but Gods love. It's sad that most people know very little about how much God loves them. They seem to be..... more concerned about keeping religious rules and observing religious "holy days" than receiving the truth about Gods love for them. Within this inspired prayer is the power to change any person and any problem. Once you realize how much God loves you, then faith will automatically rise in your heart. Most of us really don't have a faith problem, we have a love problem.
Friend the prerequisite for being filled with all the fullness of God is found in the previous verses which instruct us to be rooted and grounded in love, not just any love, but Gods love. It's sad that most people know very little about how much God loves them. They seem to be..... more concerned about keeping religious rules and observing religious "holy days" than receiving the truth about Gods love for them. Within this inspired prayer is the power to change any person and any problem. Once you realize how much God loves you, then faith will automatically rise in your heart. Most of us really don't have a faith problem, we have a love problem.
Praying this simple prayer in Ephesians 3:14--19 holds the revelation for receiving the love of Christ which will be the foundation from which faith flows. Nothing is impossible to them that believe, the love of Christ will empower us to be filled with all the fullness of God as we begin to experience his love. So begin praying this prayer for yourself. It's a prayer inspired by God and therefore designed to be answered by Him. It's a prayer that cannot fail.
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