us to fear and lead our minds down a road of torment if we allow it.
But here is the good news, we can be so secure in Gods perfect love that we never have to worry again. I know this sounds impossible to the normal way of thinking and yet God offers his unconditional love to us in an unlimited way.
1 John 1:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
We can receive Gods love to the degree that it will drive all fear out of us. The opposite of love is fear and the more of Gods love we receive the less we will walk in fear. Friend, Gods love is available to all. God wants us to trust him and the way we do that is to trust in what He has said in the bible. In Matthew's gospel Jesus used an amazing analogy of how a mother hen will gather her chicks under her wings in order to secure them in her love. Under her wings those little chicks are free from the fears and cares of this life.
Friend, there are many voices in the earth railing against God and trying to paint a distorted destructive image in our minds about who God is, but the bible declares that GOD IS LOVE. Open your heart and receive Jesus, God demonstrated his great love for us by sending his only son to die for us on the cross. In Jesus we are secure in Gods love and able to receive more and more of Gods love as we trust him by believing his word!
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