This is the glory of the real Jesus......Thanks for sharing!

I've shared this before upon anniversaries, and I'm blessed to be able to share it again: A little over 10 years ago this month I was a needle junky, crackhead ...and alcoholic who had recently been arrested on multiple accounts of selling drugs and other drug related crimes. But, on Nov. 11th 2004, while in rehab for the third time, Jesus stepped into my rehab bedroom and forgave me, saved me and literally made me a new person on the inside. And by His love and grace, I've never used drugs or alcohol of any kind since. I don't cope with sobriety, I'm not a "dry drunk", I'm not "once an addict/alcoholic always an addict/alcoholic," but rather I'm absolutely free from addiction because of Him. I could spend forever telling of how horrible my life before I walked with Jesus was, how great it's been since I've walked with Him and how grateful I am for everyone who ever prayed for me, loved me, helped me, ect. along the way, BUT suffice it to say, I'm eternally thankful that He set me from addiction and spiritual death, loved me into His family and made me completely new in Him!