I was just thinking about Jesus and why he is the best gift that anyone could ever receive. Total forgiveness is one reason and wow what a miracle forgiveness really is..... Any wonder that the bible declares that, "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." Just think about the liberty in being forgiven. Have you received Jesus? Have you received total forgiveness, the kind of forgiveness that doesn't accuse you or want you to feel guilty about your sin? I used to think that God was following me around with a magnifying glass looking at all my faults and failures so he could point them all out to me. Now that I've gotten to know the God of the bible I've come to learn that He's not that way at all. Always remember this, the God of the bible is not a religion. All God wants is a family and as long as I look at God like a loving father it helps me to better understand his nature. In the new testament Jesus said if you've seen me you have seen the father. You will never find in the gospels were Jesus ever did anything but good. Every parent who loves their children only wants what is best for them and no parent wants their children feeling guilt and shame. The greatest gift in the world; no doubt about it for me, it is to be 100% totally forgiven all the time because of the sacrifice of God's son!